AYA Village is SouthFair’s low income senior apartment community. We love taking care of our seniors. Some residents have lived in AYA since inception, 2004.
In 2020, one of our long time residents, Mr. Jackson, celebrated a special birthday when he turned 100! Wow, if we all could be so blessed! What an interesting and amazing life he has lived. Here is a littlie more on Mr. Jackson.

He was born in Dallas, TX on October 21, 1920 at Old Parkland Hospital to Ida Thompson and George Jackson. Mr. Jackson was the youngest of three children. His older siblings, Florene and Willie, made their transition several years ago. Ida passed four days after giving birth to Mr. Jackson. Although he has no children, several friends refer to him as “Papa.”
Mr. Jackson attended school in Dallas until he enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1941 – immediately after Pearl Harbor was attacked. He conducted basic training at Fort Hood, Texas. In April of 1942, Mr. Jackson received orders and was attached to 761st Tank Battalion at Camp Claiborne, Louisiana.
On October 2, 1944 the tank battalion was assigned to General Patton’s Third Army. The well-known speech where General Patton tells his soldiers “let the other poor bastard die for his country,” was presented to the 761st Tank Battalion who were nicknamed “Patton’s Panthers,” also known as the “Black Panthers.” Their motto? “Come out fighting.” They were the first Negro armored unit in the unit of the United States Army to see combat.
During his tour of duty overseas, his constant exposure to smoke caused him to develop bronchitis. After receiving a medical discharge in 1945, he pursued a career in the culinary arts. He attended the Ann Arbor Michigan School for Cooking. Afterward, he worked as a chef in many well-known hotels and after-hour lounges all over the Dallas area.
Congratulations to Mr. Jackson who has lived a long and fulfilled life thus far– cheers to 100 years!